BAN Red Flag Gun Confiscation in Texas!

Petition to my State Representative and Senator

WHEREAS: "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation laws violate the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution by allowing confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens without due process; and

Already, we're seeing the dangerous repercussions of these laws. In 2019, a Maryland father was shot dead on his doorstep when law enforcement pounded on his door at five in the morning demanding he surrender his legally-possessed firearms; and

By relying solely on baseless accusations and anonymous complaints as "evidence," this law can be easily abused by violent ex-spouses, stalkers, or criminals who seek to disarm their potential victims, leaving women defenseless to protect themselves and their children; and

A "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation law in Texas would be a grave mistake, one which will put the lives of law-abiding gun owners and law enforcement needlessly at risk to serve a rabid anti-gun political agenda.

As your constituent, and a proud pro-Second Amendment Texan, I insist you oppose ANY gun control proposals, especially "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation, and encourage you to prohibit them from being used in Texas!

A Message  from the President

Freedom Loving Texan,

"Red Flag" Gun Confiscation is a top priority of Gun Control, Inc.

These dangerous laws would allow a left-wing judge to order the seizure of your firearms without due process -- and without a crime being committed.

But under a federal "red flag" law, it wouldn’t be a Texas judge making the decision -- it would be Merrick Garland and the DOJ trying to disarm you! How do you think that will play out for conservatives at the hands of a weaponized DOJ?

This draconian scheme is being pushed both federally and at the state level with the help of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris' recently launched National Gun Confiscation Resource Center, which uses millions of dollars in resources to help states and municipalities implement red flag laws across the country.

Of course, this was thanks to the Joe Biden, John Cornyn and Chris Murphy gun control compromise of 2022 (the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act) which also incentivizes state legislatures with millions of dollars to implement "red flag" laws.

That is why Texas Gun Rights is working to BAN "Red Flag" laws from being used in Texas. 

So please, sign your petition instructing your lawmakers in Austin to ban "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation in Texas!

After that, I hope you can chip-in $15 or even $50 to help us keep fighting for gun owners.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
President, Texas Gun Rights