Abolish the ATF

Petition to my U.S. Representative and Senators

WHEREAS: The ATF continues abusing its power by usurping congress to make law through arbitrary rule changes that turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals; and

WHEREAS: The ATF has repeatedly overstepped their authority to ban scores of firearms and accessories with no act of Congress whatsoever; and

WHEREAS: The ATF has illegally acquired nearly ONE BILLION 4473 "background check" forms to pin down how many and which Americans are purchasing firearms; and

WHEREAS: The ATF is doubling down on their illegal universal gun registration scheme by trying to change the definition of a “Dealer in Firearms"; and

WHEREAS: Whether it's their involvement in unwarranted FFL raids, the Waco Siege, or Operation Fast and Furious -- which left one U.S. Border Patrol Agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens dead -- the ATF has earned a reputation as a brutish government agency that cares little about law-abiding citizens or our Bill of Rights;

THEREFORE: On behalf of pro-gun Texans, I urge you to vote "YES!" on H.R. 221 or any bill that would ABOLISH THE ATF.

A Message  from the President

Freedom Loving Texan,

The assault on our gun rights has reached a new and dangerous level with the ATF being used as foot soldiers for the anti-gun Biden Administration.

Known for its history of overreach and incompetence, the ATF continues attacking the Second Amendment by arbitrarily turning millions of law-abiding gun owners into felons overnight.

In fact, the ATF has made more federal “rules” halted by courts than ANY other agency -- including TWO preliminary injunctions protecting Texas Gun Rights members from the ATF's ban on pistol stabilizing braces and forced reset triggers.

But while we are winning multiple battles in court, we must not lose focus on winning the war: we must encourage Congress to act on H.R. 221  to Abolish the ATF!

Together, we can dismantle this out-of-control agency and safeguard our precious Second Amendment freedoms.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
President, Texas Gun Rights